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Linux Services and Support

Linux is becoming a higher-profile alternative to standard PC and Mac operating systems. Not only that, but it is being preinstalled on more and more devices, from DVRs to security systems to tablets to cell phones. You may be using Linux without even realizing it! But what if one of these devices breaks down? You often have few places to turn short of sending it back to the manufacturer or resetting the software to the factory default. Or perhaps you want to break away from the closed and relatively insecure Microsoft Windows platform and try an alternative such as Ubuntu. Many computer shops in the won't even touch Linux, which is why I am making my expertise available to the general public, anywhere in the Eugene-Springfield area. My services include:
I have years of experience with varios Linux distros and software, and I specialize in Ubuntu support with just about any common hardware. If you are interested, or would like some more information, call me at (541) 357-7349 or e-mail me at this link.

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